City of York Council

                             Committee Minutes




18 November 2021


Councillors Aspden (Chair), Ayre, Craghill, Cuthbertson, D'Agorne, Runciman, Smalley, Waller and Widdowson

In Attendance

Councillor Kilbane





Part B - Matters Referred to Council




63.         Capital Programme - Monitor 2 2021/22


[See also under Part A]


The Chief Finance Officer presented a report which set out the projected outturn position of the council’s 2021/22 capital programme, including any under/over spends and adjustments, along with requests to re-profile budgets to/from current and future years.


A decrease of £15.142m on the current approved programme was reported, resulting in a revised programme for 2021/22 of £143.262m.  Variances against each portfolio area were set out in Table 1 at paragraph 6 of the report and detailed in paragraphs 7-43.  The revised 5-year programme resulting from these changes was summarised in Table 2 at paragraph 44 and detailed in Annex A.


Recommended:  That the adjustments resulting in a decrease in the 2021/22 budget of £15.142m, as detailed in the report and contained in Annex A, be approved.


Reason:     To enable the effective management and monitoring of the Council’s capital programme.







Cllr K Aspden, Chair

[The meeting started at 5.33 pm and finished at 9.36 pm].





















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